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Do Crunches, Reveal 6 Pack Abs

Now that I have your attention...

Sadly, this isn't reality. So many fitness magazines confuse us. We are told to do crunches or sit ups a few times a week with a somewhat reasonable diet and we will have a six pack! Wow, it sounds too good to be true! That's because it is. You can't spot train and expect all the fat in that area to melt away and reveal beautiful muscle tone. This doesn't just apply to abs...butt, arms, back, everywhere.

Guess what? I used to believe these magazines. I used to buy them because of those cover articles. All. The. Time. I would constantly try everything the magazine said to have rock hard abs. I just never understood why I wasn't seeing the results. It wasn't until I dove into fitness head first did I finally unlock the missing piece to get the results I've always wanted. I took it upon myself to change my whole way of thinking and researching. I threw those magazines out because their articles were mostly filled with "fluff" to sell copies.

Think about it like this...would you cook a chicken with a candle, or stick the whole bird in the oven?

To effectively see any muscle tone or definition, a person must lower their overall body fat percentage. How much? Each individual is different, and genetics definitely play a part in this as well. When our bodies lose fat, it loses fat all over. Unfortunately, we don't get to target the exact spot. You gotta cook the "whole chicken" to enjoy the rewards.

If it were as simple as just doing a few crunches and having a balanced diet, more people would be walking around sporting six packs.

I now walk by the magazines I once drooled over and laugh at all the articles that try to grab you as a consumer. If you want to see muscle tone, you gotta put in the work. Not a few crunches a week, you gotta dive into fitness.

Want to know a dirty little secret?? I don't do crunches. I don't do planks. I target train abs maybe like 2-3 times a MONTH. Yup. You heard me. I have abs because I do compound movements that engage my core and my diet is high in protein, low in fats. I also don't kill myself with hours of cardio. It's a balance that I've found, and it only works if you make it your lifestyle.

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